New Feature Highlights in v19.11.3a release
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PartBuilder: Leveraging an existing Symbol to create a new one

In this series of videos we will read an existing symbol and have partBuilder create the SDL required to draw that it. Then we will start building a similar symbol from a new pinReport and use the SDL from the first step as the starting point to create the new symbol.
  • New Feature Highlights in v19.11.3a release

    11/19/2019 | 04:01

    this video shows some of the new features in the v19.11.3a release including the efficient new menu to create SDL from an existing symbol and the consolidated error popup when the existing SDL does not map all the pins to symbols

    New Feature Highlights in v19.11.3a release

    Created 11/19/2019
  • SymbolDimension File from Smart-Frac

    11/14/2019 | 02:57

    this takes a look at the symbol_dimension_info.csv file that partBuilder creates when it reads the symbol file

    SymbolDimension File from Smart-Frac

    Created 11/14/2019
  • PartBuilder: Leveraging Exisisting Symbols:Creating SDL from an existing AllegroHDL symbol

    10/18/2019 | 03:31

    here we show how partBuilder can create the SDL required to describe an existing symbol in our library. This can be used as a starting point to create a similar symbol and save us a lot of time

    PartBuilder: Leveraging Exisisting Symbols:Creating SDL from an existing AllegroHDL symbol

    Created 10/18/2019
  • Looking at differences between the old symbol and new report

    10/18/2019 | 02:59

    Here we take a quick look at the differences between the new report and the symbol we are using as our starting point

    Looking at differences between the old symbol and new report

    Created 10/18/2019
  • PartBuilder: Leveraging Symbols: Modifying the SDL to make it work for new symbol

    10/18/2019 | 09:14

    Here we modify the SDL for the new symbols using the helpful missingPins.sdl file that partBuilder will create for us

    PartBuilder: Leveraging Symbols: Modifying the SDL to make it work for new symbol

    Created 10/18/2019
  • New Feature Highlights in v19.11.3a release
    11/19/2019 | 04:01
    New Feature Highlights in v19.11.3a release
    04:01 >

  • SymbolDimension File from Smart-Frac
    11/14/2019 | 02:57
    SymbolDimension File from Smart-Frac
    02:57 >

  • PartBuilder: Leveraging Exisisting Symbols:Creating SDL from an existing AllegroHDL symbol
    10/18/2019 | 03:31
    PartBuilder: Leveraging Exisisting Symbols:Creating SDL from an existing AllegroHDL symbol
    03:31 >

  • Looking at differences between the old symbol and new report
    10/18/2019 | 02:59
    Looking at differences between the old symbol and new report
    02:59 >

  • PartBuilder: Leveraging Symbols: Modifying the SDL to make it work for new symbol
    10/18/2019 | 09:14
    PartBuilder: Leveraging Symbols: Modifying the SDL to make it work for new symbol
    09:14 >